Summer begins at 12:38pm EDT on June 21 on a bright and busy note. There’s a general feel of optimism and enthusiasm in the air, but the atmosphere is changeable. The urge is for excitement, which produces impulsive actions that don’t always turn out as planned. This season is primed for the unexpected. Communication will help people navigate the turbulent summer months.
July is bracketed by two Full Moons, one on the 1st and the other on the 31st. The July 1st Full Moon falling across the Cancer/Capricorn axis signals a change in attitude as conviviality fades and aggressive energies bubble to the surface. Cancer/Capricorn is all about home, family, responsibility and standing in the community. What makes you feel secure and how do you react when that security is threatened? Mars, the planet of action, athletics and war, stirs up powerful drives. In Cancer, Mars acts on emotion rather than logic. Diplomacy heads south and the social unrest that has been prevalent heats up again. Folks with power want to keep it; folks without want some. This is true in personal relationships as well. A relationship between equals is a thing of beauty, but beware of controlling individuals. Venus, the planet of love and money, goes retrograde on July 25. Retrograde Venus brings buried relationships issues bubbling to the surface. A relationship begun after July 25 will most likely turn out to be a summer fling. When Venus goes direct on Sept 6, the blinders come off and the question is, “Who is this person I am involved with?”
The Full Moon of the 31st activates the Leo/Aquarius energies. Leo loves drama, fun, living in the moment and allowing the inner child to come out and play. Leo is the head of state. Aquarius concerns center around individual freedoms and humanitarian concerns. Aquarius is the court jester who speaks truth to power. The fallout from this Full Moon signals a push against the status quo. The environment, agriculture and wild weather that affects the food supply spark a discussion. The power and control wielded by big business is no longer the slam dunk it used to be as public awareness rises and political connections erode. That’s political — personal is another matter altogether. Leo loves romance and despite Venus retrograde, romance is in the air. The planetary configuration as August unfolds favors some wild, exciting romantic interludes. Be wary; they burn hot and fizzle fast.
At the August New Moon on the 14th the mood shifts as cycles end and new ones begin. Significant others, authority figures and plain old folk act in radical, unexpected ways. In some instances it is just plain weird. There’s movement and progress. Someone or something has broken up the log jam and events move forward.
The Full Moon at month end pushes us into September. The summer is winding down, Venus goes direct bringing changes in the love and money situation. The New Moon of Sept 13 is a Solar Eclipse. Eclipses bring change and this one, in Virgo, ushers in a week of happenings — more about the environment and agriculture as the weather gets wonky. This Eclipse can bring a mighty fall from grace as another hero lets us down. Mercury goes retrograde and Saturn enters Sagittarius on Sept 17. Mercury may hold things up, so get papers signed and projects begun before the 17th. And yes there are communication snafus, missed appointments and traffic jams, thus it is wise to call ahead and give yourself plenty of time. Saturn in Sagittarius is another matter. A 29-year cycle, Saturn brings the weight of responsibility. Sagittarius is about justice, philosophy and religion. In Sagittarius for the next couple of years, Saturn, we hope, will put the lid on religious extremism. For the rest of us, our search for the truth, our spiritual quest or the itch to travel takes on practical considerations as we figure out what works in the real world. Above all, Saturn is about reality. As the summer comes to a close, life gets real. Not to worry, reality checks are good for the soul.