
Epic’s “Leaving Rhode Island” Gives Residents New Perspective

Leaving Rhode islandEach July Kevin Broccoli, actor, playwright, and the Artistic Director of Epic Theatre Company, creates a month-long theater event involving a large group of actors from throughout the state of Rhode Island. Broccoli writes and directs the actors, who perform monologues and scenes focused around a single theme. This is the fifth year, and the event keeps growing. Past themes include sex, a funeral, and possible impending global annihilation. This year’s theme is based on the “what if” story of select Rhode Islanders being forced to leave the state for an unknown period of time. After five years, the Exiles, as they are known, receive notice that they can return. Will they? If not, why not? What, if anything, has changed?

Nearly 200 actors signed up for the gig this summer. Among his other gifts, Broccoli has developed a knack for bringing together actors from all corners of the state. That is quite a feat when you consider most Rhode Islanders won’t leave their own neighborhoods. And one would expect this “Leaving Rhode Island” premise to be filled with the smallest state’s cliché’s, and some Exiles chaining themselves to the “Welcome to Rhode Island” sign on the roadside. There is one mention of the Big Blue Bug, but this time, Broccoli’s seemingly simple premise explores much, much deeper, and complex issues.

On opening night, the packed house roared with laughter and applauded spontaneously. These are the true fans, many of whom are former participants. On the second night, there was still plenty of laughter, and hearty applause at the end. But it is more of a dark humor, a black humor perhaps, the more one listens and hears. Leaving Rhode Island is not just entertaining, but thought-provoking as well.


Broccoli is constantly busy and prolific. Well, that is an understatement. Not quite 30, he has written thousands of monologues as well as many plays, in addition to the 200 pieces written for just this July. But the true genius of Broccoli, the true gift the universe has granted this young man, is the ability to see into the core of people’s lives. He can read their minds, feel their souls, and immediately understand them. Just as Billy Joel pulls music out of the air, Broccoli somehow receives people – ancient or newly born. One day I expect Broccoli to rip off a mask to reveal Shirley MacLaine.

Each night presents a different line-up of people who were Exiles, contemplating their return. It’s not as easy a choice as you might think. It’s not just about your home town. It’s about the contemplation of where you belong, finding your real self, escaping, or not escaping a difficult situation, or yourself. There’s a lot to think about. Of course, there’s also some silliness, just for fun.

Leaving Rhode Island continues through July 26 at the Black Box of the Artists’ Exchange at 50 Rolfe Square, Cranston. The two first nights were completely sold out. Getting tickets ahead is strongly recommended. Go to or call the Artists’ Exchange at 401-490-9475. For more about Epic Theatre Company visit