Aries: The planetary energy at the beginning of June encourages you to expand your horizons. So much is going on in your life that it is hard to keep track of it all. You run from one end of town to the other, engaging in meetings, conversations, exchange of ideas and general social interaction. You’re fine with all of this as you love to explore the new and different.
Taurus: You’re tempted by the beautiful and luxurious during this period. Be careful you don’t overspend and live to regret your purchase. At the moment, you can’t seem to resist the lovely. You generally get value for your money and that is not about to change. After the New Moon on June 6, you get a burst of energy and may decide to start an exercise program.
Gemini: Gemini season is upon us. You relish the energy that is in the air these days as it provides you with diversion and an ever-changing landscape. It is a new day for you. You engage in interesting conversations and meet pleasant and exciting people. So much is going on that you need have no fear of being bored.
Cancer: The hidden and secret have a tendency to surface now, unexpectedly. This triggers conversations, some pleasant, some not so pleasant. These may involve issues you have not wanted to deal with but circumstances force you now. Unusual friends put their two cents in. While not very diplomatic they may have some positive information for you.
Leo: You lead the world in marathon networking these days. You are expanding your circle of friends and acquaintances. Some of these connections have to do with work and career while others involve those folks you simply have fun with. You discover people who have the same values as you and enjoy the same leisure time activities. Go for it!
Virgo: While not usually comfortable in the public eye, during this period you take center stage. This may be for work or simply circumstance placing you in an advantageous position. Take advantage of this moment as you received flattering reviews and many seem to want to jump on your bandwagon. You voice your opinion with clarity and distinction.
Libra: All the Air energy floating around feeds your intellect and keeps you connected with like-minded folks. You’re all for the socializing and the intellectual stimulation that it provides. You may be making plans for the future or simply planning a trip somewhere far away. Some conversations have you digging deep into your psyche for answers.
Scorpio: You talk a great deal about that which has been hidden and buried for a long time. Normally you play your cards close to the vest but you feel comfortable talking at this time. You have people in your life that you trust so you are at ease with this. None of this entails any deep, dark secrets, simply stuff you had preferred to keep quiet about. It is good to clear the air.
Sagittarius: Working relationships and folks you encounter on a daily basis keep things lively and anything but routine. Some new, different and unusual people liven up your days. You are always ready to take care of business but these folks draw you to the fun side of things. Take the time to enjoy these activities. You can always take care of business as well.
Capricorn: You feel creative and ready to enjoy some of life’s more pleasant activities. This is a good time to engage in something artistic, whether writing, painting or simply a trip to an art gallery. You are drawn to this and at this time, it feeds your soul. Keep your eye on the budget. Some unexpected expenses on the home front make budgeting difficult.
Aquarius: You feel creative and ready to enjoy some of life’s more pleasant activities. This is a good time to engage in something artistic, whether writing, painting or simply a trip to an art gallery. You are drawn to this and at this time, it feeds your soul. Keep your eye on the budget. Some unexpected expenses on the home front make budgeting difficult.
Pisces: Some issues from the past may arise that need to be dealt with. Could be something from childhood that was never resolved. It is all part of a period of growth you are going through. You entertain in and around the home inviting the new and interesting into your sphere of activities. You enjoy some stimulating conversation with these folks.