
Hip-Hop: MyCompiledThoughts

MyCompiledThoughts, an artist from Boston, has a transcendent energy that makes him more of an anomaly than a musician. Nothing about him or his music is reminiscent of much that comes to mind. He is not a compilation of his musical inspirations, but an enigmatic soul who drops subtle nods to artists who motivate him.

MyCompiled describes his style of music as ShoeGaze RnB that blends his voice and instruments into one dream-like presence while adding elements of contemporary R&B.

rgb-wonderlustMyCompiled recently dropped his debut project, Wonderlust, that invites listeners to travel into his realm. With just under 20 minutes of music it’s about the length of one REM sleep cycle, which is the dream stage of sleep. Sounds like a happy coincidence, right?


“I’m so lost in beautiful thoughts of you,” croons MyCompiled as the first line of the project on the title track “Wonderlust.” It sets up the entire project very appropriately. The first few songs are only a minute or so long, but in the first sizable song, it becomes very clear that MyCompiled is aiming to get listeners lost in his thoughts. It’s very difficult not to get lost in the standout “Yours Pt. 1,” as he pleads for someone’s affection with the repeating melody as if we’re stuck skipping a few beats.

Following is “Yours Pt. 2,” a somber continuation of the previous song. In this song he’s lost the someone he was fighting for in Pt. 1, but he’s struggling to let go of his feelings.

The rest of the journey is full of peaks and valleys as MyCompiled travels varying emotions and sounds.

“Before” adds an airy element led by great guitar strings and the echoes of his cheerful memories. “Space Fall” and “The Fall” featuring WHYTRI bring us right back down with darker sounds and trance melodies to remind listeners how quickly emotions can shift. To conclude the project, “Spaceship” leaves a mellow invitation to take another trip with MyCompiled.

Overall, Wonderlust is an incredible sonic adventure that encourages a mental cleansing and plenty of repeat listens.

Stream it on SoundCloud: