
Pin-Up Of The Month: Niki Luparelli

What’s your occupation? Chanteuse, show producer, vaudevillian and adequately fed artist
What do you never leave home without? Knowing where the bathrooms are at my destination. I’m a frequent flyer.
What’s your biggest pet peeve? People who are cruel or neglectful to animals.
What’s your favorite holiday movie? Christmas Vacation! In fact, I once sent my father a jelly of the month club membership for Christmas.
Would you rather date the ghost of Christmas Past, Present or Future? Christmas Past. It would be so fun to be whisked away to Christmas in New York in 1925. I think I would have been better suited to living in the 20s through 40s, minus the polio and the Great Depression.
Baby, it’s cold outside! Build a big old fire in the fireplace.
How do you prefer your Scrooge — on film, on stage or in a book? In f*cking jail for tax evasion.
Do you have a nickname? Tricky Niki, Loops, or Marilyn
Tell us a secret! My front two teeth are fake due to a freak roller skating accident when I was 12.