Lunar Notes

Cosmic Capsule: What’s in Store for Fall?

The Autumnal Equinox occurs this year on September 22. A few days later there is a New Moon in Libra. The New Moon cycle that ushers in the new season usually packs a punch with events, moods and news providing a hint of what the season will bring.

The winds of change are in the air. It’ll be windy literally and figuratively with a lot of talk, proselytizing and hot air in general. Religious fanatics come out of the woodwork and rattle their sabers. While leaders employ extensive diplomacy, military deployment is definitely on the table. A huge unexpected event shifts the balance of power and shakes up the belief system of a large portion of the population. Disillusionment is the order of the day. Labor and the working class get into the picture whether organized or not; conditions of the worker are highlighted and the importance of the contribution the working class makes to the overall picture is emphasized.

The last weeks of September and the first weeks of October leading up to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 8 is a particularly volatile period. Violence and extremism vying with moderation and the peacemakers create clashes of a spectacular nature. Venus in Libra will try her best to create harmony, but she may be outgunned by Mars, the warrior, making a strong connection with revolutionary, rabble-rousing Uranus. With Jupiter in this planetary picture as well, expect a big splash, some exaggeration and misinformation as Mercury in retrograde motion from October 4th to October 25th tends to distort and misinform. Nature will get into the act with some extreme weather or natural phenomena that have the capacity to halt it all. Aviation and other transportation mishaps involving the public grab our attention.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 23 creates another bag of tricks. Mars in Sagittarius connected to Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries suggest something big involving the military and/or labor. This could mean boots on the ground or strikes in the streets; with Uranus involved, anything goes and if you can think of it, that ain’t it because Uranus is the master of the bolt and jolt out of the blue.

At Full Moon time on November 6 with Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus, the emphasis shifts from the battlefield to the boardroom where the real battles take place these days. When Mars in Capricorn teams up with Pluto in Capricorn the flavor of the month becomes international finance and monetary sanctions. We can also expect some sneaking around in the other guy’s computer. Let’s face it: You can bring a country to its knees by messing around with computer generated scheduling, whether it involves money or turning on the light switch.

The Sagittarius New Moon on November 22 brings another energy swing. The usually open and out-front energy of Sagittarius moves behind the scenes. While the flavor of the month is international, domestic issues rear their ugly little heads. Negotiations take place removed from the public eye. Hidden enemies, secrets and covert activity won’t see the light of day for some time to come. Human rights, hostage situations, and secret money deals slowly emerge from the shadows.

At the Full Moon on December 6, across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis information begins to surface. Venus in Sagittarius once again enters the picture, upping the ante on the diplomatic side of things. Authority figures, leaders and heads of state attempt to get out in front of all the new information that is revealed. Those same folks are apt to act in unconventional and unexpected ways. Some of that news will shock and shake traditional foundations.

While the autumnal season will be volatile, it is not time to head for the bunker yet. Beneath it all there is faith, not fanaticism. Shocking events open the door to new ideas and information. At the end of this season we see things differently as events broaden our outlook, causing many to readjust their thinking. Above all, this season will be busy and filled with news. Maintaining focus will be a challenge!