The year 2020 started with a bang with impeachment, the Aussie fires and whispers of a virus coming out of Wuhan. The year begins at the Winter Solstice. Just days after that Solstice there was a Solar Eclipse. Eclipses around the Solstice are usually game changers. The Summer Solstice marks the halfway point of the year and at this Solstice there is a Solar Eclipse hours after the event. Eclipses at the Solstice points foreshadow extraordinary events (9/11, a summer with an Eclipse at the Solstice). These days our mind is on the virus and while we may feel that we are stuck in place, the world is turning. Politics and political campaigns are anything but usual. Climate and environmental matters capture our attention. News and those who would control it figure prominently. With Mercury retrograde at the Solstice, be wary of gross exaggeration and distortion.
Between the Solstice and the end of June, Neptune goes retrograde on the 23rd; this may signal a temporary abatement of the virus. Venus turns direct on the 25th. Venus rules love, money and your desires. What do you want? In Gemini, Venus wants a sparkling and interesting conversation. Flirtations are fun with Venus here, but we are easily bored and not likely to settle. At the end of the month, Jupiter connects with Pluto. This is a power house aspect that, due to retrograde motion, occurs three times; this is the second hit. The first was on April 4th, the next on November 12th. What was going on around the 4th of April? Prepare for a revisit.
July opens with a Lunar Eclipse on the 5th. At this Eclipse, Saturn has moved back into Capricorn, cozying up to Jupiter and Pluto. Mercury is still retrograde and Mars has slipped into Aries. Mars rules Aries, and here he is looking for a fight. Mercury goes direct on the 12th and facts emerge that give us a clearer picture of what is really going on. From the end of June through this period when Mercury goes direct, events unfold that can be upsetting and chaotic, but revealing.
The New Moon on July 20th with the Sun and Moon in Cancer opposing Saturn and his buddies in Capricorn will kick off some serious actions and reactions. With Sun, Moon and Mercury in Cancer, we act and react on an emotional level. Mercury in Cancer says what it feels. The Sun soon moves into Leo, bringing some fire into the belly. Sun in Leo leads, bringing optimism and hope.
That optimism is put to the test as August opens. At the Full Moon on the 3rd, Mars is already stirring things squaring off with Jupiter, then Pluto and at month end with Saturn. Mars was a major player throughout mid-March into April as he bounced off the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto cluster. We may see the dreaded second wave during this time. Once again, the virus is not the only thing going on in this world. The trio in Capricorn rule the collective, the masses. Pluto and Saturn want to control. Jupiter wants to expand and promotes far-reaching and spiritual ideas. Social unrest and with Mars in the picture, something explosive and possibly violent. From the natural world, storms, quakes, volcanic action and something from the hand of man. Political bull as well as some economic news makes for an uneasy time.
The New Moon in late Leo on the 18th shifts the energy a bit. Mars in Aries makes an easy aspect to the New Moon degree, fire to fire. By the First Quarter Moon on the 25th, the energy shifts with the Sun in practical, down-to-earth Virgo. Details come to light and we are able to examine them in a rational, logical manner. Emotions are left behind.
The Full Moon on September 2nd falls across the Virgo/Pisces axis. Venus is in touchy-feely Cancer. Unlike Venus in Gemini, Venus here wants a hug. At this Full Moon, Venus opposes the big three in Capricorn, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Her diplomatic endeavors are out-gunned. At this Full Moon, the enemy is out in the open. At least you know what you are dealing with. Mars is still stirring things up in the background, but Mercury in Virgo brings a lot of common sense to the table.
The last New Moon of the summer season on September 17th has the Sun and Moon in a strong connection to the big three in Capricorn. This connection speaks to behind-the-scenes machinations. Who is in charge? Who is in control? Who controls the narrative? Mars is retrograde in Aries ready to backtrack, prepared to set off sparks as he connects again with the Capricorn trio.
Throughout the Summer and into the Fall, expect some defining moments. Violence, virus and the search for justice are major themes this year. Look for the truth; you may have to dig deep for it. Seek out those who have pure motives. Most of all, in times of restriction and trouble, find your joy.