Step right up, folks! I’m going to pitch you an idea that is just too good to pass up: giving local art for the holidays! Below are six Rhode Island artists and examples of their work that you can purchase for under $100. Rhode Island has an amazing variety of talented artists. These six are just the tip of the iceberg, and you can find literally hundreds of others by visiting local art associations and galleries. Here is why this is such a good idea:
1. You’ll be supporting the artists who are your friends and neighbors.
2. By buying local art, you’re supporting the local economy.
3. The recipient of your gift will receive something unique! No one else can give them that gift.
Consider the list below an introduction. Take a good look at what each artist creates and consider expanding your budget.
CRAIG CRAWFORD Ancient Eyes, Plate, 5” X 9”, $60
Crawford silk screens surprising imagery on traditional pottery forms and creates work that is engaging, funny, and a bit creepy. You could hang this plate on the wall just to look at, or you could use it to serve deviled eggs at the next potluck supper you attend. Dual-purpose artwork for the win!
JOSEPH MUSHIPI Tree of Life, archival print, 16”X20”, $80
Mushipi is a self-taught visual artist from Zambia. He considers himself an African storyteller. He draws inspiration from African folk-tales and experiences. His gorgeous, vividly colored, and symbol-ladened landscapes are a wonder to behold.
WILLIAM SCHAFF The Contest, Linoleum block print, 15”X11”, $35
Schaff’s work always gives you something interesting to look at, and something fascinating to think about. I have a copy of this print and every time I look at it I see another layer of what “The Contest” refers to. Do you know a young person who is setting out on their own, maybe graduating from high school or college? Giving them this print is like handing them a road map to life. You can also find Schaff’s pieces regularly within these pages.
SONNY ROELLE Teeny Towers, wire drawing, 2.5”x2”x.75”, $75
Roelle can draw more convincingly and elegantly with a pair of needle nosed pliers and a roll of wire than the majority of artists can with a pen (or pencil). His larger pieces are mind-blowing in their complexity and beauty. Are these drawings or sculptures? Hang them on your wall and watch them cast shadows.
RYAN ROBIDOUX, AKA EVOKER Spooky Cat Cut Out, 11”X14”, archival print, $45
There is no artist that more consistently puts a smile on my face than Robidoux, aka Evoker… OK… maybe Banksy, but he’s not local and none of us can afford him (or find him). At first glance, you might think of Robidoux as a cartoonist, but I think he’s got bigger fish to fry. It’s not all fun and games. His fine art chops are undeniable.
CASEY WEIBUST @caseyweibust Ginger Baker, collagraph print, 5”X7”, $20
Weibust is a printmaker, arts educator, and arts administrator. She runs Out of the Box Gallery and Studio on Jamestown. It’s one of the most innovative and vibrant art spaces in the state. Much of her theatrical and romantic artwork is inspired by German Expressionist silent films such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu. She is also a big fan of Mary Shelly and Frankenstein. She has a charming set of characters, called Frankensisters, that reoccur in her work. They’ve got some magic in them! Buy this print and hang it near your oven and you’ll never burn another batch of cookies!
A number of local galleries feature small works and inexpensive works leading up to the holidays – it’s a tradition stretching back 100 years or more at the Providence Art Club. Wander through our gallery listings on page to find some of the possibilities. •