Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes

Forecast Period:   May 2, 2013 to June 5, 2013

Aries:  Prepare yourself for some big financial changes this year. You may get yourself in debt or pull yourself out of the hole. Whatever the scenario, you will be paying close attention to how you spend your money. You are awakening to what is really important to you and where you want to focus your energy in the future. Money is the physical manifestation of this inner spiritual change.

Taurus:  Change in the way you look, act and talk is on the way. You are tired of the same old mode of operation and are looking for new ways to express yourself. There is a strong urge to take action. Taurus wants to get physical. A new exercise regime fits in well with your plans of change. By month’s end, you have pulled all your friends into your active scene.

Gemini:  An incident on the job, on the freeway, or in the supermarket sparks a concern with your health. Focus on diet, exercise and anything that contributes to your physical, mental and emotional well being moves you into a healthy space. Folks in your immediate circle are surprised and react at first in a not too supportive manner but you soon win them over.

Cancer:  You decide that you have been muddling along directionless for too long. You marshal your forces, focus and dream up your future.  Setting new goals gives you purpose and brings inspiration. Along with all this comes new confidence. Folks around you begin to notice the new you and this furthers your cause. Socialize and make new connections this month, it will be worth it.

Leo: Changes in your public, professional life require adjustments in your personal life. Some of this may come easy, some not so easy.  You have come to the point in life that you have worked for only to find it was not what you thought. Don’t despair, all is not lost. Look around you, assess the situation, the people and the money, there’s lots worth keeping.

Virgo:  A crisis of conscience brings about changes in your relationships. Your world view is changing and some folks can’t quite keep up. In some circles, you shine and receive the accolades that you deserve. A legal issue, travel plans or in-law problems upset your routine. You really want to get away from that routine but may have to put those plans on hold. Patience is required when dealing with other people.

Libra: The usual serenity of Libra gives way to some deep emotional venting this month. Stuff is bubbling to the surface that you never knew existed deep down there. Some of this will be triggered by finance and property issues. By Full Moon time, some serious discussion is going on. Seek legal advice — don’t simply trust what a friend, colleague or acquaintance says.

Scorpio: All relationships take on added significance this month. Single Scorpios may commit, committed Scorpios may find that relationships are on shaky ground. Try not to let emotions create the dynamic. Serious discussion needs to take place before anything can be resolved. Whether jumping in or jumping out of a relationship keep a cool head. Talk about it, think about it, relax into it.

Sagittarius:  You have come to the realization that you cannot keep going along at full throttle without doing some damage to yourself.  It is time to take the time to slow down and reorganize your mode of operation, focusing on a healthy diet and invigorating exercise. You also realize that you need to organize your space and your everyday routine.  The Full Moon shines on you and you shine right back.

Capricorn:  This is the beginning of a romantic, fun-filled period for you. The energy is such that it sparks your creative juices and you are able to execute your plans in new and novel ways. The usual practical Capricorn trips the light fantastic.  If unattached, romance comes in from the most unusual places. If attached, you bring romance into the situation, making the old new again.

Aquarius:  Your home space is getting on your nerves and you either need to move, reorganize or redecorate. It may be as simple as a coat of paint but whatever it is Aquarius, you need to make some change there. Professional responsibilities do not prevent you from going out and having a good time with your friends. The Full Moon is the time for you to howl with your personal pack.

Pisces:  You’re busy and active this month with many irons in the fire. It doesn’t help that the city decides to tear up your street or closes a road adding an extra half hour to your daily commute. These disruptions happen so often you begin to get used to them and roll with the punches. The good news is your mind is fertile and busy and someone with authority begins to take notice.


Shirley J. Prisco –Astrologer     401-438-6805