Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes: June 15 – 30

Aries: You do the tango between center stage, spotlight, and hunkering down, alone in your private space. Both actions feed you on some level and you gain insight and confidence as you bounce back and forth between the two. Through it all you manage some interesting conversations and pleasant social interactions, and encounter intriguing people along the way.

Taurus: You don’t have to travel too far to enjoy social and cultural events and connect with some fun and interesting people. Socially, you keep busy and enjoy these people and events. You experience a burst of energy and may consider a more strenuous exercise program. You want to keep moving and take action, whatever that action may be.

Gemini: Your hectic pace begins to slow down a bit allowing you time to adjust and review your assets, budget, and consider those things you hold dear. You assess and reassess your physical, emotional and intellectual assets. These periodic reviews keep you on track and allow you to continue to favor those things that serve your highest good.

Cancer: The pace of life picks up for you during this period. You meet, greet, make connections, and enjoy a myriad of social functions and opportunities that present themselves to you. Your networking pays off, introducing you to some unusual and exciting people. You also connect with some more stable and serious types. You appreciate the variety in your life.

Leo: You take the time to assess and review the people and ideas you have been exposed to recently. While you love the spotlight and center stage, you still need some quiet time to assimilate all that is new that has entered your life recently. You listen to your body and mind in order to ascertain what it is you need on a physical and emotional level.

Virgo: You put yourself out there in order to meet, connect and broaden your horizons. The fun stuff appeals to you during this period. You seek out the people and activities that bring you joy. There is a creative urge being born within you. Writing, painting or simply museum-hopping keeps you happy. Far off places and people appeal to you now.

Libra: You get rave reviews from those in authority as well as from your peers. Your pleasant and efficient manner has a lot to do with these reviews. While you appreciate all of this, part of you would like to hang out at home enjoying the vibe you have created there. That atmosphere refuels you. Sometimes you need that energy to keep going. Take the time you need.

Scorpio: Intellectual pursuits appeal to you now. You’re thinking the deep thoughts, digging deep into the big universal questions that some people are not even aware of. You always want to get to the bottom of things, understanding what makes people and things tick. Some innovative people enter your life and you enjoy some stimulating conversations with them.

Sagittarius: Your usual free-wheeling style takes a back seat as you get serious about what matters to you, what is important in the grand scheme of things, and which way you want to go in this life. Deep down, Sagittarius, you are a philosopher and contemplating life’s big mysteries and how they apply to you provides you with clues to what your next steps will be.

Capricorn: June’s Full Moon shines right on you emphasizing you and your relationships. How you relate and who you relate to falls under the Moon’s shining beams. Illumination is the key word here. This Moon brings light to the previously hidden, allowing you to take a look and see what works for you. While the Moon rules emotion, you have facts and logic to guide you.

Aquarius: You spend a lot of time getting things in order, streamlining daily tasks and making solid connections with those you encounter every day. There’s work and there’s play mixed in with all of this. You also take some time to quietly contemplate all the adjustments and people in your life. You listen to that voice within, using it as a guide to your activities.

Pisces: You feel more sociable and more inclined to get out there to mix, mingle, and enjoy those leisure time activities that you love so much. This is a good time to meet new people and expand your network. You’re a mix of the practical and the mystical these days and you use both aspects of your being to your advantage. Blending these two will get you far.