Everything has become way too expensive lately, including travel. Beside the cost, airports are a hassle and the potential of flight cancellations or getting stuck at an airport creates an aura of anxiety that takes away from the fun of travel. We here at Motif suggest staying local while doing all of the touristy activities this state has to offer. This will alleviate your travel worries, support the local economy, and you’ll realize all the beauty Rhode Island possesses.
This may take a bit of research and planning, but it shouldn’t be too hard to get a full Rhode Island experience in about a week. You can also make plans to “come back” and partake in anything you didn’t get to.
Here is a list to get the planning started:
Bally’s Twin River:
Tourists love to gamble, so RI’s longest-running casino is worth a visit. It’s not designed for families, but staycations make it easier to leave the kids somewhere. There’s a plethora of slots and table games to kill a few hours. Like all casinos, there are restaurants (seven and a food court), bars (three), and live entertainment. The Sports Book, located where people used to watch the Greyhound Races, is a must-see. casinos.ballys.com/lincoln
The Beach:
Our state has 400 miles of coastline, providing plenty of beach choices throughout the state, though mostly Washington County (usually referred to as South County). There are many beaches to choose from, all roughly offering the same amenities (sand, ocean, snack bar, bathroom). Don’t forget the sunscreen!
Block Island:
Listen to the commercial and “sail away on the Block Island ferry.” Once there, enjoy the art galleries, specialty shops, and a diverse shopping experience. There are options to travel by bike or moped to enjoy the scenery. The beaches are stunning and there is a bar scene. This is a good day trip. blockislandinfo.com
Cliff Walks:
There is a lot to do in Newport and the Cliff Walks provide a view to some of them. Walking high against the shoreline gives inspiring water views along with The Breakers mansion, Salve Regina University, and other fabulous-looking homes and sites. The relatively easy 3.5-mile trek features QR code trail markers that provide facts and information. cliffwalk.com
Jerimoth Hill:
The highest point in RI sits in Foster at an elevation of a mere 811 feet. It’s located along Route 101, making it easy enough to drive over so it can be checked off the list. There is a 0.3mile trail that takes about five minutes to complete to get the full experience.
This state is well-known for its food options. There’s a favorite restaurant for every style of food. Use this staycation to step out of your comfort zone and try something a little different. Need help deciding? Check out these date-worthy restaurants: motifri.com/dateworthyrestaurants.
The newest local professional sports team has had a good turnout through a cold and rainy April and May. The warm summer nights promise to build upon the already great fan experience they have provided. Beime Stadium (located at Bryant University) is easy to get to (not far from the highway) and the traffic in and out moves surprisingly quickly. Food Truck Village has a good amount of eating options. The Fan Fest has enough activities to keep everyone distracted until game time (or if you need to keep the kids occupied). The match itself is wildly entertaining with a crowd that is truly into the game. rhodeislandfc.com
Sit in Traffic:
Vacation traffic hits differently than home traffic, so use this time as a tourist to enjoy the experience, assuming you’re in no real rush. RI has been gifted with a soon-to-be-legendary traffic nightmare by the sudden closure of the Washington Bridge, so here’s your chance to sit through history. dot.ri.gov
Washington County Fair:
RI’s largest midway and agricultural event provides five days of rural fun that attract people from all over. This event requires some planning as it takes place the second week of August. Each day has a packed calendar of special events in addition to the usual carnival and farm fare. washingtoncountyfair-ri.com
This seems to be the state’s most famous attraction, so it’s worth checking their calendar for dates and themes. There is a big sense of community and a lot to look at and partake in. The fires themselves would almost be forgotten about if not for that trickle of burnt wood smell. waterfire.org