Okee dokee folks… If you are a musician or are thinking of buying a gift for a musician then I suggest that you purchase what you need very soon. When the mango moron implements his fool-hearty tariffs, musical instruments and accessories are going to go up in price. These days many of the lower-end instruments are made, and may I say very well made, overseas. Sound reinforcement, electronic instruments and effects are also, for the most part, imported. This is going to hurt musicians and may also hinder younger folks from deciding to learn how to play an instrument. Music is already a hard way to eke out a living and making it more expensive to do so will just make it even worse. On top of all that, if the economy tanks, venues will either cancel their music series, try to pay less for performance fees, or just start trying to coerce musicians to play for tips or “exposure.” Whenever times get tough the arts and music are always at the front of the line for the chopping block. Music is an essential part of life and anyone who thinks not has no soul. Music is part of everyday life, but unfortunately music and the music makers are taken for granted. People think that because it can be enjoyable to play music, musicians should play for free. WRONG. Musicians spend YEARS honing their craft. It is a life-consuming vocation and they should be properly compensated for it. If you enjoy someone’s music please buy a CD or buy their merch, and tip them generously. Most folks still think nothing of paying hundreds of dollars for concert tickets to big name concerts but when it comes to local musicians they all of a sudden get cheap. Local musicians have bills, too.
Read on…
If any of you readers out there are looking for a gift for a music lover, may I suggest tickets to a Broadway Show at The Providence Performing Arts Center (PPAC). These productions are very entertaining and enjoyable. Jukebox musicals are a fun, light experience for a casual audience. There are musicals coming up about Simon & Garfunkel, Michael Jackson, and Cher! I have seen both the Cher show and the Simon & Garfunkel production. Both are very well done, feature lots of fan-favorite songs, and truly capture the essences of the show’s namesakes. For more, encore over to PPACRI.org.
How about local musical theatre tix as a gift or just for yourself? Either way, best to get these tickets early as shows tend to sell out. The production of One Providence Place: A Mall Musical happens Jan 24 – 26 at AS220 in Providence. The press release reads, “The year is 2003. Providence Place is in its youth, only four years old and shining with promise. Deep in the bowels of this commercial complex, a group of friends carve out a secret 750 sq. ft. home for themselves, away from the prying eyes of mall security and the daylight reminder of things they would rather not think about. But what comes of letting our hurt take up too much room inside of us? Does every empty space always need to be filled? Or sometimes, is it all right to let what is hollow stay hollow? Loosely inspired by a true story, One Providence Place is a musical about art, grief, family, and the most carpeted mall in America.” And it’s back by overwhelming demand! For more, shop on over to: as220.org
If you are interested, two of my music projects have shows in January. My band, Forever Young – Neil Young tribute, will be at The Greenwich Odeum on Saturday, Jan 11, playing the full band, rocking side of Young’s music. Opening that show will be the always-amazing Nicole Gauthier playing a short set of Joni Mitchell’s music. On Saturday, Jan 18, The Joni Cat Show will be at The Pumphouse in Wakefield. That’s a full set of Joni Mitchell’s music by Of Heart and Mind (Nicole Gauthier) – Joni Mitchell tribute and CatMoonShadow – Cat Stevens tribute. Purr over to: TheJoniCatShow.com •
That’s it for now. Listen to my podcasts at motifri.com/rootsreportpodcast and find my concert photographs at motifri.com/fuzeksfotos. Thanks for reading and listening. johnfuzek.com