Okee dokee folks… We are facing the recrudescence of the mango moron and a return to a dark and dumb age. It’s just unbelievable to me that we have to put up with his shit once again. UGH! It’s time for protest music to make a major resurgence. “Art is a weapon and as deadly as steel cannons or exploding bombs. Art should not be pacifist nor mystic, but should send fighting people to the field of battle filled with the clear knowledge of what the real enemy is.” These are the words of the man that sang with the phrase “This Machine Kills Fascists” emblazoned on his guitar, Woody Guthrie. So sing out your disdain and resist! Don’t ever let anyone tell you that musicians should just shut up and sing pretty songs! “Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” – Mexican poet and academic, Cesar A. Cruz.
Read on… Every January Motif publishes their annual Health Issue and every year since 2017 I have been including my review of hearing protection for musicians and music lovers. Here is the link to that column: motifri. com/hearingprotection. I am passionate about hearing protection because of the tinnitus that I deal with. This year as I was writing this, I decided that I should update you with reviews of the newer brands and types of hearing protection now on the market. I am currently acquiring new samples, so expect my thoughts on these in the next month or so. While I am talking about health issues I want to remind those who play instruments to look into info about repetitive stress injuries. While I won’t go into it here, you should analyze and research your technique and make changes before it causes problems: another lesson I have learned much too late. Back in the mid ’70s, I was fortunate to see Sonny and Cher in concert at The Providence Civic Center. Cher was one of my teenage crushes back then and it was a thrill when I yelled “Hi, Cher,” to her as she was exiting the stage below the backstage seating section that I ran to so I could see her better. I was the only person there and she energetically waved back and yelled “Hi.” She was wearing her “Half-Breed” Indian Costume – if you remember this, you know why I was even more thrilled. Anyway, I digress …
If you are a fan of Cher then you will definitely want to catch The Cher Show when it comes to The Providence Performing Arts Center on February 5 & 6. I was able to see the Boston production earlier this year in anticipation of the PPAC engagement. It’s the same musical, and here is my review: motifri.com/thechershow. Don’t wait to get your tix or you will miss out on a truly spectacular event.
Also coming to PPAC starting Jan 21 and running through Jan 26 is MJ – The Musical. This is the Tony Award-winning musical about the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. If you snooze, you lose with these two, so don’t wait! For more, Beat It over to ppacri.org
Now back to the protest music. “An Alternative Inauguration Day Celebration of Music” will take place on Monday, Jan 20, Martin Luther King Day at Canned Heat Craft Beer In Fall River, MA. The music starts at 2pm and features performances by Hap Hathaway, Ed Dean, Ed McGuirl, Glenn Dewell, Richard Ribb, Rowan & Beautifully Human, Molly O’Leary, Beth Barron, Mary Johnston, John Egan, and Three Legged Dog. Start this administration off right by willfully denying it. BTW, please do not watch the coronation on TV, it deserves to get low ratings! It’s ironic and sad that a known racist will be sworn into the presidency on Martin Luther King Day. This celebration is certainly a way to deal with this. Music is always the best way. The description of the event reads, “An alt-Inauguration celebration of light, love, and great live music, brought to you by some of our area’s finest musicians.” For more, find it on the facey-book thing at facebook.com/ events/1286341055848384.
Comedian-Actress-Writer-Producer Sarah Silverman is never one to mince words about her feelings on many things, sexuality & social issues being two. Silverman will be bringing her Postmortem tour to Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Providence on Jan 23. Sarah, a two-time Emmy Award-winner, is known for her comedy specials, films School of Rock, Take This Waltz, A Million Ways to Die in the West (just to name a few); and “I Love You, America with Sarah Silverman.” I have an interview with Silverman scheduled, so look for it at Motifri.com. If you are interested in attending this show know that it will be a phone free show. For “Someone You Love,” get over to thevetsri.com
On Saturday, Jan 18, there will be an indoor edition of the periodic Riverstock shows called Winterstock. This is taking place at The Narrows Center for the Arts in Fall River from 12 – 4pm. The potpourri of performers includes Louis Leeman, Pete Crowley, and Pete Hebda; Cee Cee and The Riders; The Alternatives; and many more. The show is free but cash donations collected at this show will help students at Durfee High School “achieve their educational dreams.” For more, go with the flow and get to narrowscenter.org.
There’s a new open mic and it’s happening in Harrisville! This one is run by Jan Luby and takes place on the third Tuesday, Jan 21, at the First Universalist Church located at 134 Main street. Jan says, “It’s all acoustic, as the room is so ‘live.’ Great listening room with two-thirds to three-quarters of the people just there to listen. Oh, it’s free, but there’s a donation jar. Usually simple refreshments like popcorn, water, brownies, home-baked stuff.” Open mic takes place from 7 – 9pm. For more: Marcia, Marcia, Marcia over to: facebook.com/FirstUniversalistChurchofBurrillville. •
That’s it for now. Podcasts at motifri.com/ rootsreportpodcast and concert photographs at motifri. com/fuzeksfotos. Thanks for reading and listening. johnfuzek.com