
Let the Good Times Roll at the Providence Artisans Market

By Jeffrey Folker

jeffartisanWith something for everyone, it is really hard not to have a good time at the Providence Artisans Market.  Bring the kids, bring the picnic blankets, and bring the family dog.  If you are bold, even bring the ol’ guitar and earn a few bucks on the side.

From the best organic beef, local scallops, City Farm produce and herbs, honey from Pharmacy Herbs, pastries from Seven Stars Bakery, samples from Narragansett Creamery, produce from Arcadian Fields, to some of the best locally made crafts from Upcycled Glass (focused on making vases, cups, and jars from recycled glass), natural soaps from the Stella Marie Soap Company (“natural soap with a quirky flair”).  Tack on some stalls selling one of a kind jewelry, paintings, photographs, and furniture, and you get the Providence Artisans Market.

Perhaps the most interesting crafts came from Conanicut Sheepworks, who was selling fashionable anchor-shaped necklaces from sliced walnuts.  Check them out on facebook for more information

There was even a hairiest dog competition…

Ok, not really, but here is a picture of some REALLY hairy dogs that were at the
park, drinking in all the attention.

Seriously, those dogs look like bears.

The Providence Artisans Fair runs every Saturday through October 16 from 10 am to 2pm at Lippett Park, at the intersection of Hope Street and Blackstone Boulevard. For more information or to apply to become a part of next week’s market, search PVDArtisansMarket on Facebook or check