Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes

Forecast Period: April 16, 2013 to April 22, 2013

Aries:  As you strive to reach your goals and satisfy your ambition, you are finding that the road to success may not be a direct one.  You’re feeling the need to connect on an emotional level, not your usual mode of operation.  The First Quarter Moon digs up some emotional stuff.  Deal with it and don’t allow emotions to create obstacles that aren’t there.

Taurus:  Ideas emerge from the unconscious as you too emerge from your self-imposed stretch in solitary.  Your quiet time has brought great benefit to your emotional outlook and has cleared the cobwebs from your brain.  By the weekend you are ready to roll.  You initiate and attract action, people and social events.  Now is the time to let your inner child out to play.

Gemini:  You are ready to ditch the mad social whirl you’ve been on for some quiet time in order to assess and reassess what matters to you.  As the week unfolds, you may not have as much down time as you’d like.  Your daily routine picks up speed.  By the time the weekend arrives, you are ready for a Saturday night on the couch with remote in hand.

Cancer:  The First Quarter Moon in Cancer on Wednesday morning stirs up a hornet’s nest in your life.  Arguments and disagreements with those in authority or with those who think they are in authority will not make your life easy.  You are reexamining why you thought these folks were authorities.   Over the weekend you are able to look at things in a practical, logical manner.  Just the facts, that’s all.

Leo:  Be wary of friends with shady or shaky backgrounds.  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You have a brief moment of self doubt, but as the week unfolds this vanishes and you emerge with confidence and assurance.  This weekend you’re in the mood for organizing and getting rid of clutter. Clean out the closet, balance the checkbook and hit the yard sales for some real bargains.

Virgo:  Friends and acquaintances act and react in ways that put you on guard.  This is a good reaction from you because you will find some folks are not as honest as they should be.  You retreat for a while after the First Quarter Moon.  These few days are important for you to get in touch with yourself and listen to what your gut is telling you.  By the weekend you’re out and about having fun.

Libra:  Your relationships put you to the test, especially those connected to your business or career.  As the week progresses, touch base with co-workers, friends and folks with similar interests.  You need to be with people and to get away from strictly professional relationships.  By Saturday night you are ready to head for home and spend Sunday meditating and listening to that inner voice.

Scorpio:  A lot of nervous energy going on within you and around you. You’re restless and tired of the daily routine, longing for escape.  The ennui on the job has you looking for new and creative processes. On Friday, the light bulb turns on.  By Saturday night you’re ready to kick back and enjoy some fun times with friends.  Don’t allow one belligerent individual to spoil your fun: Smile and move on.

Sagittarius:  Your usual freewheeling self digs into some serious, complicated emotional stuff that triggers the escape mechanism.  Don’t go overboard with the fun and games, you’ll feel the financial pinch if you overindulge.  Do talk about what is on your mind.  Big ideas and a complete picture of your situation emerge as you open to new possibilities.

Capricorn:  Upsets in the home environment spark some creative conversation with loved ones.  There is a great deal of emotion circling around financial issues.  Try to view this objectively, replacing emotion with logic. These issues will not go away overnight so take the time over the weekend to simply enjoy.  Take in a movie, concert or sporting event. The time away from problems will clear your head.

Aquarius:  Try to avoid being careless and critical as the week unfolds.  You have a lot of irons in the fire and may find it difficult to stay focused.  With so much going on you get impatient.  When that happens, be especially careful on the road and with appliances.  Avoid getting pulled into the emotional drama of those around you.  By the weekend you are looking for some quiet time on the home front.

Pisces:  Some of your more pleasurable pursuits may cost more than anticipated.  You are going to have to weigh it all in the balance. Is this particular activity worth it? Some events and activities you won’t be able to avoid.  As the week unfolds, your to do list and social calendar fills up.  You come up with some creative ideas when organizing your space or some innovative technique at work.     438-6805