Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes: April 1 to 15, 2024

Aries: The Solar Eclipse in your sign facilitates the forging of new paths you wish to take. It is a time of change – inner, outer, or both. You’re figuring out what direction you wish to take. Give it some thought, as Mercury is retrograde and things will become clearer to you at month’s end when Mercury goes direct.

Taurus: Changes come from within. Feelings and new ideas bubble up from your unconscious. You feel that the time is ripe for you to move things along although your way forward may be hidden. Give yourself time to think things through. Old and reliable friends provide a solid sounding board for you to bounce your ideas off.

Gemini: Your plans for the future undergo revision. You entertain new ideas, trying them on for size. Your ruler, Mercury (in retrograde motion until March 25) may have you changing your mind about a few things before the month is through. Not to worry, make sure your plans fit you well before making things permanent.

Cancer: You join many others who wish to change their direction in life. Some of these changes may be beyond your control as bosses and other authority figures make decisions that affect you. Do your research before you make a major move. You may decide to stay put in the end. A change of scenery may be in order.

Leo: You look at the big picture broadening your outlook. This opens you to new ideas and people. Some of your long-held opinions get shaken up. Remain open to the new and different. This includes people as well as ideas. Your adventures may take you to a foreign country or simply to a new restaurant.

Virgo: Your usual preference for concrete facts and logic takes a back seat as feelings bubble up from the deep. You feel the need to express these feelings. You may find yourself exchanging some heated words with the significant others in your life. It is important to express yourself. It is also important to be mindful of other people’s feelings.

Libra: Relationships receive a shakeup. This includes the kissy-huggy kind as well as the professional and friendly types. Conversations reveal issues heretofore overlooked. You will need all your diplomatic skills to get your point across. Mercury retrograde warns us to be wary of misunderstandings. Be sure you understand clearly what is being said.

Scorpio: You focus on organizing and getting your life in order. Not that it is out of order, you simply feel like tidying up. You also pay attention to those things that contribute and improve your health and wellbeing. If you have been ignoring the healthy in favor of the not so healthy you will be reminded of that fact and get back on track.

Sagittarius: Your mood bends towards more light hearted and fun activities. During this period, you are free to express yourself in a creative and forthright manner expressing who you really are. Some folks may not be ready for that but you will be true to yourself. Romantic and artistic friends and activities keep you occupied.

Capricorn: You stick close to home and the neighborhood these days. This does not mean that your life is dull and boring. Your social calendar includes the novel and different lending some excitement to your days. There may be some snafus on the home front, appliances malfunctioning and the like. Keeps things interesting.

Aquarius: Keeping track of appointments and touching base with family and friends gets a bit confusing with Mercury retrograde until the 25. Minor details are easily overlooked. You are reevaluating your priorities in the midst of all this. You sense big changes within. What is important to you becomes less so. These changes you handle well.

Pisces: You take a second look at budget items eliminating those things that you really don’t want to spend money on. Mars in your sign brings lots of energy and strength your way. With all this energy it is important not to overdo things. You feel strong and you are but remember to pace yourself.