Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes: March 13 – 31

ARIES: Tons of conversations take place during this period. The Lunar Eclipse on March 25 falls in your house of relationships. The Sun moving into your sign, Aries, sheds a lot of light on the situation. Keep the conversations going. Some subjects might include the things that you value in your life. These things are important to you. Make that known.

TAURUS: You keep up with your daily routine along with a string of social engagements. This is fun for you as you meet new friends and connect with old ones. Your work day hits some snags along the way but you manage to pull things back to an even keel. Jupiter in your sign keeps you in the right place at the right time. Take advantage of any good luck that comes your way.

GEMINI: You find yourself in the spotlight these days. You’re center stage and you handle it well. Authority figures look favorably upon you. Take advantage and pitch your ideas during this time. A relationship takes a turn in a not so positive direction. Someone becomes overemotional. You manage to talk this person through it. And yourself as well.

CANCER: You expand your horizons through inner and outer journeys. Something rumbles beneath the surface that you pick up on. You can’t quite figure out what it is but you are working on it. This heavy thinking you are involved in may cause a shift in your direction. Something on the home front doesn’t feel quite right. You’ll figure it out.

LEO: You probe deeply into anything that is forbidden or taboo. You simply want answers to these questions that fascinate you. You engage in serious conversations with those around you in an effort to find these answers you are looking for. Research and conversations with learned folks help you to find the answers you are looking for.

VIRGO: Friends, lovers, and acquaintances all come calling, whether in person, on the phone or video conferencing. Many conversations take place. These convos help you to figure out where you want to go and what is important to you. Speak your mind when asked, don’t be shy. Be polite, but forthright. Remain calm.

LIBRA: Your everyday working life or routine comes under scrutiny now. You’re ready to put out a lot of energy into your wants, needs and endeavors. The Lunar Eclipse in your sign at month’s end signals a time of change. These types of changes are inner changes and we may not see the results right away. Your journey is one of discovery.

SCORPIO: You take great joy in showing the world who you are and what you can do. A wide variety of people move in and out of your life. Romance may come calling. Also, some unusual folks cross your path. You listen and learn from this conglomeration of people who move into view. At times you may feel like escaping into the quiet and peace of being alone.

SAGITTARIUS: Your dreams feel like premonitions. Not to worry, these dreams are leaving you clues. Write them down and continue writing as these ideas that pop up will be very useful to you down the line. Your creative juices are flowing. Take some time to enjoy the fun things that you love to do. Friends join you in your fun and games.

CAPRICORN: A dose of healthy common sense sees you through some tricky interactions with others. You’re pretty good at fending off the offensive without being offensive yourself. Some new and unusual people enter your life. These folks broaden your outlook and get you thinking about the big wide world. Conversation is called for.

AQUARIUS: You search for truth amongst your tangible goods. Yes, amidst the flotsam and jetsam of your life there is a truth there. You’re seeking the deeper and higher meaning to all of this. It is buried there and you are on the road to finding that depth. Some deep conversations with thoughtful friends help you iron things out.

PISCES: You flex your independent muscle. You’ve got one foot in the dream world and the other solidly on the ground. You can manifest your dreams now. Take one step at a time. One step leads you to another. You’re inventive and creative. At this time, you have the energy and stamina to complete any task you set before yourself.