Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes

Aries: Money, cash flow, spending and saving occupy your time and energy these days. You’re tempted by beautiful things that cost too much. Hold on, you really want to plan and save for that trip of a lifetime or that big dream you’ve always had. It won’t be easy, but it is doable. So do it!

Taurus: While you’re ready for the new to enter your life there are some pesky little issues that need a re-do, a re-look and perhaps a readjustment.  Retrograde Mercury in your sign says be wary of saying, signing or agreeing to anything until month end when things will change and new information surfaces.

Gemini: Partnerships, relationships and cooperative efforts are not easy now. You are ready to compromise and make sacrifices and some may take advantage of that. Take a second look at the situation, re-think things and remember who you are, what you want and what you need. Operate from your personal home base.

Cancer: This is a socially active period for you. Going out with friends, near and dear, as well as the casual acquaintance keeps you busy. There are some heavy responsibilities that you have to attend to and some colleagues are a little less than pleasant. Pay attention to yourself and your wellbeing and do the things that are good for you.

Leo: Leo’s in the spotlight and loving it. You’re getting the recognition and appreciation that you need and deserve. There are a couple of flies in the ointment, though. Something or someone blocks your creativity and your pursuit of the fun things in life. A troublesome child or love interest requires your input to clear things up.

Virgo: Virgo dreams of faraway places and ponders the mysteries of the universe. As much as you would wish to escape, there are some serious domestic issues that need attending to. Repairs might be required or some argumentative family members may need to be dealt with. Shore up your foundation and continue to dream.

Libra: Libra deals with some basic human stuff that require a conversation and some action to be taken. This is not your usually pleasant chit-chat. This is deep and serious stuff. Some family members get belligerent, while others may be too conservative for your taste. Keep the conversation going until the air is clear.

Scorpio: You’re not one of those people who need people, but these days you can’t escape them. Most of it is fairly pleasant with some fun and games thrown in. You are in the process of reassessing your finances, reviewing the budget and figuring out what it is you need. You may have to curtail some of the fun things for a while.

Sagittarius: With the two steps forward, one step backward scenario you’ve been operating under, it is hard to figure out what direction to go in. This is a time for the “re’s” — reevaluate, reschedule and refigure how to organize your day and your time. You’re creative and come up with some innovative ideas.    

Capricorn: This is a very creative period for you. While you have some big and fantastic ideas you may have to hold off before implementing them.  Month end, things might move along. Sometimes your actions do not achieve the results that you expected. Wait before you try something new. Give it time to gel and develop.

Aquarius: Your plans for the future may be put on hold for a while. Not to worry, it is not time to scuttle them, it is simply not the time to launch them.  Patience is required. In the meantime, get your personal space in order and socialize with your nearest and dearest. Some brilliant new ideas surface.

Pisces: Busy, busy, so busy it is best to write down who, what and where so you don’t lose someone or something in the shuffle. A career move may suffer from unforeseen delays. Patience, all will be well. Romantic and helpful people cross your path. Take care of business, but take time to enjoy the finer things of life.