Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes: April 23, 2013 to April 29, 2013


Aries: Money issues come to a head this week.  Beneath it all there is some deep soul searching going on as recent events have made you feel threatened and undermined your sense of security. You are realizing that you may have acted rashly without thinking things through.  Things get very emotional. Before you make major decisions, wait until the weekend when you will have a clearer head.

Taurus: Friendly relationships begin to get intense as the week unfolds.   Call on your ruler Venus to help you maintain a diplomatic attitude.  Some folks are really paranoid and you may have to reassure them.  No matter how diplomatic you are, you still may have a tough time seeing the other person’s viewpoint.  Wait for things to calm down before you make or break up.

Gemini: You discover some underhanded tactics concerning those in your daily life.  Be on guard and wary when sharing your ideas or accomplishments, someone may try to steal your thunder.  A secret is exposed. Avoid getting involved in clandestine affairs. Keep any love interest out in the open. If you can’t see that person openly, ask yourself why you would want to sneak around.

Cancer: As the Full Moon approaches, do not allow emotions to get the better of you. Keep a lid on it and try to think rationally. This may not be easy to do as you find that everyone seems to oppose or disagree with your ideas.  Take the time to reconnect with friends and acquaintance at social events.  There is opportunity for a new romance or a new source of income.

Leo: The week starts off on a busy note as you try to play catch up. You’re bubbling with new ideas and want to implement them. The Full Moon brings a crisis on the home/career front. You may switch tracks and begin aiming for a new and different future than previously imagined. You are putting your best foot forward and are quite popular now. Take advantage of your star status.

Virgo: Conversations about money, bills, and credit cards can become heated. Try to maintain your cool. As the Full Moon approaches, you get busier and busier. If you can’t get away or have to change vacation plans, take the time to break from your daily routine and do something different. By the weekend you’re ready for the comforts of home.

Libra: Being surprised by unexpected bills and expenses puts a strain on an already strained budget.  Someone with a quirky nature comes up with some novel ideas and solutions for you. The Full Moon brings emotions to the surface as you and a significant other get passionate.

Scorpio:  You have a strong desire to make changes in a particular relationship.  This is not a good idea. Wait until after the Full Moon when emotions settle down. Try and listen and really hear what the other person is trying to say. You’re missing something. As the weekend approaches, cooler heads and hearts prevail. Take a break, think about things, then make a decision.

Sagittarius:  This week brings some grand, fun times with your friends. By the Full Moon, though, it all hits the fan. Secrets come out and some folks have been dealing from the bottom of the deck. You won’t believe some of the stuff that comes out as the week unfolds.  The weekend is the time to listen to what your gut is telling you. Your intuition is right on target.

Capricorn: You are out in the public eye this week and you are having fun. You really want to get together with friends and colleagues for relaxation and good times, but some duties and responsibilities may alter you plans. Somehow you manage to do both. When the weekend arrives, you look forward to some down time to reflect on where you’ve been and where you’re going.

Aquarius: When it comes to responsibilities and duties at work and home it is best if you do it yourself.  It’s the only way you can be sure that things get done properly. All this while you are dreaming of faraway places. Dream on while duty calls, and file it away for future reference. By the weekend, you are ready to get together with friends; get out and have a jolly good time.

Pisces: Pisces is wicked busy this week. You have so many irons in the fire that it is hard to focus and keep track of what is going on. In all this confusion, pay attention to what you say and do not say. Be sure you are clear about your intentions and what you mean so there are no misunderstandings. You’ve got some great ideas now and the weekend brings some recognition for a job well done.