Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes Horoscope (March 5 – March 11, 2013)

by Shirley J. Prisco – Astrologer      

Forecast Period:  March 5, 2013 to March 11, 2013

Last Quarter Moon on Monday, March 4, 2013. This is a week of winding down, digesting and assimilating information, emotions and insight in preparation for next week’s New Moon when the new cycle begins.

Aries: You are in the public eye this week and you really want to hide out somewhere keeping a low profile. Try and do that as the week unfolds because you need the down time now. Shocking news about the boss, father or some other authority figure erupts midweek. By weekend it looks like a huge power struggle. What you hear this weekend is probably a huge exaggeration.

Taurus: You’re having a grand time with folks you are friendly with taking in movies, museums and sporting events. You’re in the mood for it too. You are able to iron out some differences you have with a rather conservative, contentious significant other. Talks involving money, politics and philosophy threaten to go off the deep end. Keep it cool.

Gemini: Your feelings, emotions and mood are intense. This intensity is reflected in the people you attract and those you are drawn to now. These feelings don’t feel normal to you as this is not your usual mode of being. As the Moon shifts into Aquarius, feelings are not so intense but you are feeling restless and bored with the daily routine. Perhaps a weekend getaway will cure your ills.

Cancer: You need people and company around you now as you find comfort and feel secure with loved ones and partners while Moon travels through Capricorn. Your emotions run high; beware of someone trying to manipulate you by trying to push your buttons. Things get really emotional before they cool down. Sunday you’re ready to chill out at a movie or museum.

Leo: You put a lid on your emotions this week. Beware that these repressed emotions don’t emerge in the form of resentment or criticism of another. By Friday, with Moon in Aquarius you’re ready to discuss things with those closest to you. Let off some of that steam before you erupt and start foaming at the mouth.  You wake on Sunday to some deep spiritual questions.

Virgo: As this period begins you are wearing your heart on your sleeve. Your feelings are out there for all to see. You really need to be yourself and express yourself. When Moon shifts into Aquarius on Thursday evening, you take it down a notch and begin to take care of those pesky necessities of life. Sunday you’re ready to have that heart-to-heart with those close to you.

Libra: The burst of busyness that starts your week soon settles into a need to retire to your home space and snuggle up in your nest. This retreat is from a desire to look inward and examine your attitude and emotions. What it is that makes you feel secure? As the weekend approaches, you’re ready for fun and romance. Enjoy! Sunday morning brings duty as you get organized for the week ahead.

Scorpio: As this period begins, you are more apt to speak from the gut, saying what you really mean and feel. The most intellectual of conversations are colored with emotion. By weekend, with romance in the air you really feel the need for some at home time. Take a day or two to relax and do nothing. By Sunday you’re ready for some amusement. Don’t neglect the romantic!

Sagittarius: You start the week off hugging your “stuff,” those familiar objects that sometimes clutter up your life bring you great comfort. Friday and Saturday are busy days for you with lots of running around and discussions with sibs, friends and neighbors. By Sunday you are ready to plop on the couch with remote at the ready. Sports or a movie – doesn’t matter, you’re happy.

Capricorn: Moon in your sign Tuesday night through Thursday night brings with it a burst of energy as your batteries are recharged for the upcoming month. Your conscious and unconscious selves work in harmony. As the Moon shifts into Aquarius Thursday evening, be wary of impulse spending. You only think you need it. Sunday the pace picks up as you prepare for the Monday morning routine.

Aquarius: Week starts off with you wanting to be alone with your thoughts and feelings. You want to hide your feelings from others just be sure you don’t hide them from yourself. Thursday evening when Moon moves into your sign you feel rejuvenated and those feelings you’ve been hiding are out there for all the world to see. These few days set the tone for the upcoming month; take heed.

Pisces: Friends provide emotional support and you give back what you receive.  Try to keep things on an even keel as you attract the emotionally needy. It has got to be a win, win situation for both. By the weekend you’re ready to be alone with your own thoughts and feelings, time to sort them out. By Sunday when Moon enters your sign, you’re feeling jazzed up and ready to Rock and Roll.     401-527-3408