Lunar Notes

Lunar Notes: March 1 to 15, 2024

Aries: Much goes on beneath the surface with you these days. You engage in a lot of quiet contemplation and inner dialogue as you come to a new understanding of yourself and the things you value. Conversation with friends and your various connections assist you in clarifying what and where you are doing and going. In the end, you listen to your inner guidance.

Taurus: Your networking puts you in touch with a variety of people and you enjoy the socializing and opportunities these acquaintances provide you with. You’re very much in the public eye and put some energy into advancing your career. Jupiter in your sign offers a bit of luck and assists you to be in the right place at the right time.

Gemini: You juggle work and home responsibilities with seeming ease. Only you know the effort involved in maintaining that balance. You are laying the foundation for a change in direction. This involves research and serious thought. You dive into that research with joy as you love a puzzle and enjoy putting the pieces together.

Cancer: There’s much to keep you occupied these days as you explore new friendships, new possibilities and open yourself to a wider viewpoint. You ask the big questions and are not satisfied with the superficial. Some serious conversations take place and you are up for it. There’s a lot of intuition going on and you listen to that inner voice.

Leo: Conversations with significant others in your life become deep and profound as you probe the foundations of your beliefs and values. You’re the one digging. When you feel what is right for you, some may try to get you to change your mind. Listen to what they have to say but, in the end, make your own decision. Keep an open mind.

Virgo: You move into the spotlight. Not your favorite place but you handle it well. A great deal of interaction between you and significant people in your life. Conversations and new ideas abound. At times you may feel like folks are coming at you from all directions but you maintain your balance and make note of what and who is important to you.

Libra: Your work organizing and maintaining the balance between work and play rolls merrily along. You keep an eye on what needs to be done but do not neglect to participate in the socializing and cultural events you so enjoy. Some quiet contemplation has given you new ideas to improve your life combining the practical and the frivolous. Frivolous is okay.

Scorpio: Your enjoyment of the things that make you happy takes the place of any worries you may have had. Practical matters need to be attended to but you can enjoy yourself without guilt. Be wary of something or someone who promises a “sure thing.” If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Your innate common sense will carry the day.

Sagittarius: Sticking close to home and in the neighborhood provides you with enough amusement, conversation, and socializing that has you settling in comfortably. You may be contemplating some changes in your personal space or in your public persona. You take advantage of the latest technology to streamline your daily routine.

Capricorn: Buzzing over with ideas and creative solutions you use the latest and the greatest tech options to implement them. You are really busy but that does not prevent you from enjoying the fun stuff that brings joy into your life. Someone unusual and maybe a bit kinky enters your life. This person helps you to broaden your outlook.

Aquarius: A great deal of activity is going on within and around you. You begin to initiate changes in your lifestyle. You are more conscious of monetary values as well as the spiritual values of the people and artifacts in your life. You reevaluate your budget getting rid of those expenses that no longer serve you. Social life is on the upbeat.

Pisces: This period brings a fresh start. A new you emerges after some serious soul searching. After all the quiet contemplation you have had you engage in meaningful conversation with trusted friends and allies. The simple act of speaking out loud your deepest thoughts assists you in clarifying your goals and wishes.