At Providence, afternoon temperature is expected to reach as high as 80°F around 2pm on Halloween day, but for trick-or-treat in the early evening will slowly cool to 75°F by sunset at 5:38pm and further to 70°F by end of twilight at 6:08pm. Chance of precipitation will be near zero.
While unlikely to break the Providence record of 83°F set in 1946, it will be much warmer than the mean high temperature of 58.2°F established since records have been kept beginning in 1905 and only the second time in that period to exceed 73°F, a mark reached in 2004. Warm but slightly lower temperatures have been encountered with some frequency, and 72°F has been reached five times (1942, 1945, 1948, 1982, 2009).
Conversely, the lowest high temperature record of 38°F was set in 1925, a day on which a trace of snow was observed. The lowest low temperature record is 24°F reached twice (1966, 2020); of course, trick-or-treat was curtailed due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, with an afternoon high of only 47°F. The mean low is 39.4°F.

US daylight saving time ends at 2am on the first Sunday in November, moved in 2007 to be one week later to provide an extra hour of daylight before sunset for trick-or-treat. Clocks are moved back for the fall change.